Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Moving Day!

Dave and Valerie came back yesterday, they had gone to their home in La Manzanilla for the weekend.  They had been watching the rv park until we arrived.  They have the spot closest to the barn and the gate.  We will be trading places this morning after we return from the gym.  That way, we can here the bell when someone comes to the gate, hopefully an rver.

This will give us the opportunity to get our awning open for the first time ever.   As I said when we left Monterrey, the awnings never get used because we are always in a windy place like the east coast of Tamaulipas or the great state of Texas.  Wind, wind, wind.

Yesterday I got a lot of trimming done.  The sun was out all day long giving us a reprive from the rains.  In fact, I got a little sunburn around my neck.   If I don't get out in the sun as a tourist lounging in a chair in my swimsuit, I'm going to look like a rednecked farm hand.  That's not a bad thing but I don't care for tanned forearms and white shoulders. 

After my labors yesterday we went into Valle to eat at Mundo Light.  It is a family restaurant and they have a grandson, Jesus, who is probably all of 12 years old who is also a waiter for the summer.  The kid is a trip.  Funny, carefree and just has a good time at what he does.  It is great to be in a place where people are just living their lives and enjoying the moment.  I know that no one is exempt from problems but here it seems to be a lot less.  Anyway, the restaurant gives you a ton of botana before you order.  The have chips and sauce, little tacitos de frijol or papa, slice potatoes cooked in a diabla sauce, guacamole, and more.  Then you order off the menu.  It is so much food we split a half order of fried shrimp, that was all.   No dinner last night, some cut carrots and celery and a bite of cheese.  

More to come.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you guys are out of the tension, it has to be more relaxing.

    The place sounds wonderful.
